Monday, August 20, 2007

10 questions I am currently pondering (in no particular order of importance or for that matter, sense)

1. Why do great books end just when you've made best friends with their characters?
2. Why must every vehicle on my lane either block the road or attempt to overtake me?
3. Does the Door (RFID) at work record details of my coffee breaks in an excel sheet?
4. Does my Boss ever stop working? (More importantly, does he monitor those excel sheets?)
5. Where have all the Thiruvanmiyur-Beach crabs disappeared to?
6. Will humanity travel to the stars?
7. Doesn't my dad's snoring ever wake him up?
8. Why do I sleep the soundest just before an alarm goes off?
9. What if someone turned off the gravity? (Any chance my Boss would notice and/or take the rest of the afternoon off?)
10. Was I intelligent before education ruined me?


Sathish said...

1. mmm... interesting.. never knew that... Why?
2. mmm... Should drive with u to answer this..
3. mmmm... It is possible.. (always use colleague's ;)
4. mmm... Does a boss works??!! always thought he moniters those stupid excel sheets..
5. mm.. may be many of people's stomach... (a wild guess)
6. What is humanity?
7. way...
8. Well all alarms are programed that way.. :(
9. mmm... will life becomes slow then??!! r u not the boss?
10. mmm... well education is a choice... and we made the choice.. ;)

mMS said...
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mMS said...

Nice! liked the thought..